We are half way through the year and this is my first post. I have stunk it up BIG time with blogging. I just didn't really care to post stuff anymore and a little bit of a lack of time.
So much has happened since, uhm...Christmas. Where do I begin??
I went back to school in January, taking a A&P 1 class at nights and Human Growth & Development on Fridays.
I applied to nursing school.
Chad turned 27.
Went to the beach for a week!
We converted Olivia's bed to a toddler bed. My baby is growing up way to fast!
I got laid off from my job on May 25th. The only job I have ever had. I started working there when I was a senior in high school! It was a mixture of emotions, but God had BIGGER plans for me!
I started summer class-A&P 2.
I turned 24.
Got the new Iphone 4.
I had my first ever yard sale. I made over $500 and I am still selling stuff!
I applied for unemployment and WIA. : /
Chad got a new truck!
Mom turned 50!
And the list goes on and on....
God has truly blessed me. There are so many times in the past couple of years where I have doubted him and was so frustrated with the direction my life was headed (career wise). I was so unhappy with my job. I had been for sometime. I don't know how many times I drove home crying, mad, hurt, frustrated and just plain hating that place. No, it wasn't all bad, but it wasn't what I wanted to do the rest of my life and I was not happy or satisfied. I wasn't fulfilled.
I tried a couple of times of getting a job closer to home, but it just never worked out. I would just always settle and stay where I was. Praying God would open the doors in my life and that he would lead me to where I needed to be.
Getting laid off was totally unexpected (to an extent). I worked for a real estate development management company. They build and manage apartment homes. I was let go simply because work was slow and they were cutting back. At first I was somewhat upset, but who wouldn't want to be off for the summer?!? : ) I received a severance that would cover me for the summer and if things worked out with school, I would've been leaving in the fall anyway. It was great!
BUT then I got scared and started doubting. What if I don't get in nursing school? What am I going to do??
I was accepted into nursing school. Something I have thought about for at least 4 years now. I have prayed and prayed and know that this is what I am supposed to be doing. The program is not cheap! I thought surely I would get help from pell grant since I was unemployed, but that was a far fetch! I really don't understand how they come up with who they help and who they don't. It's a joke.
So there I was looking for a $10,000 loan for a two year program. Not fun. I was at my mom's office one day faxing a loan application, when one of the girls told me about a program through the Career Center (Unemployment Office). I hadn't filed for unemployment since I didn't need it and hadn't really thought about it. I thought I would go down there and see if, maybe, I qualified.
The way it was explained to me...WIA is program funded by the state. There are two pots of money. One for adults who have lost their job and are going back to school. The other is just adults going back to school and need help paying for tuition.
I filled out an app, had to apply for unemployment, took a test, wrote an essay, and waited and waited.
I got the call last week. I got accepted!!!!!! WIA is covering all of tuition, fees and books!!!! ALL OF IT!!! I was THRILLED!!! Another door open. God is GOOD!! He is FAITHFUL!!
I know he has his hand on me and is guiding me through this new chapter in my life.
1 Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
Christmas 2009
Yay! Christmas is over! I know I am probably the worst mom ever, but I just wasn't into Christmas this year. It's. Overrated. Seriously. I felt bad trying to think of stuff to buy, stressing about who I didn't buy for and did I get the right gift and whether or not they like it. Don't get me wrong. I want her to enjoy Christmas and have fun opening gifts, but I don't want that to be the main focus.
Regardless of Mommas stressin', she had a wonderful time! : )


Hope everyone had a blessed Christmas!
Regardless of Mommas stressin', she had a wonderful time! : )
At Poppa&Nana's
Christmas Eve
Hope everyone had a blessed Christmas!
Christmas 2009,
Tha' Funk
I'm in a funk. There I said it. I have been MIA for a little over a month. I have a lot to say, but I just don't take the time to share it. Maybe it's because I so behind on everything. Sigh.
I have been getting things lined up to start back to school in the Spring. I am a little nervous, but very excited and anxious.
Sorry for the bad quality. I took this with my phone. I guess you could say this is the only Christmas thing I have in my house right now. And it's not even really displayed. I just propped it up on the end table just so I could get it out of the car.
Our life has been crazy. Seriously, this is the end of November. What in the world?!? I think time goes by a whole lot faster when you have kids. Which is so not far!
So what has been going on?
I had my wisdom teeth removed Thursday. Not. Fun. Really it's more of an annoyance than anything.
Olivia had her first sick doctor visit Wednesday. She woke up with a high fever that morning and I knew that she just did not feel well. I am not one to run to the doctor for everything, but when her temperature was 103.4. I knew it was time to make the call. Turns out she just had the gunk (cold symptoms) on top of both sets of molars trying to come through. She is fine now. Just waitin' on those teeth to come on in!
I have been getting things lined up to start back to school in the Spring. I am a little nervous, but very excited and anxious.
I have not one Christmas decoration up in my house. I am just not really feeling it right now. I think maybe if it weren't such a big ordeal with getting the tree down, and all the decorations and the fact that our tree is really way too BIG for our living room. Why did we not take that thing back?!?
Me, Carmen and Jordan watched The Blind Side after church yesterday. It was a great movie. I would defiantly watch it again. Forget the Twilight silliness.
It's true. I am not a fan of Twilight. I have no desire to watch any of the movies or read the books. I think it's a little weird people are in love with vampires. I have never been infatuated with stuff like that. Like actors/actresses/movies/bands/etc...I just think it's too much. Maybe I'm the weirdo....I am okay with that.
We aren't having Thanksgiving this year. Well...not our normal family get together Thanksgiving. This year our church is having Operation Thanksgiving. We will be serving a traditional Thanksgiving meal from 11-2 for the less fortunate in the community. The church has been in contact with a couple of agencies in the community and say we should expect hundreds! I am very excited about it. I think it's a wonderful outreach for our church and community. This is what Thanksgiving and Christmas is really all about.
Some of us girls from church went to the Color Palette in town for a Christmas Painting. It was a lot of fun. Even if my face was still a little puffy! : )

And here's a picture of my sweet girl at Gammy's (Carmen) birthday party. She loves inflatables!!
Hope everyone has a great week and wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Everyday Life,
Praise Report!!!!!
Remember this post??
Well, yesterday I heard from Mia. My cousin's wife. They got the results back from the amniocentesis and the baby is....
I was ecstatic! It totally made my day.
Isn't God awesome?!?
Therefore, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, so that at the proper time he may exalt you. Throw all your worry on him because he cares for you!!
1Peter 5:6-7
*Edited to add* My layout is the cause for the cropped pictures. Sorry. Hopefully I will get it fixed soon.
Busy, busy, busy!!! I haven't had much time for blogging lately. I had a post I was working on and never got to finish and I haven't made anymore attempts to finish it. There has just been too much going on lately. Untill I get back into the swing of regular posting here are a few pictures from the past couple of weekends.

Busy, busy, busy!!! I haven't had much time for blogging lately. I had a post I was working on and never got to finish and I haven't made anymore attempts to finish it. There has just been too much going on lately. Untill I get back into the swing of regular posting here are a few pictures from the past couple of weekends.
Fall 2009,
The Weekends
Thank You for Your Help!!
Thank you for all the suggestions. The last shoe was my favorite too. The only down fall was that I couldn't find it in any stores. I really like to try shoes on before purchasing them if at all possible. I hadn't been able to do a whole lot of searching for shoes so on Saturday (after the Susan G. Komen race for a cure) me and mom went searching!
I ended getting a pair at my first stop DSW. They had to options with a 10$ difference and I happened to like the cheaper pair. : )
I must admit they are kind of funny looking, but when on they look cute. And after looking at about 10 other places it's the only shoes I could find!
They go with the dress perfectly!
Now, I am just hoping and praying it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to have the dress altered!!
All about me,
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