Writer's Workshop: My Size Barbie?!?
I could eat there everyday!
(ours didn't look exactly like this, but very similar.)
I felt beyond stupid and couldn't believe I had just done that! I just went back to bed and hoped no one heard that very important conversation I had with Barbie.
Now it's your turn. Head over to Mama Kat's for this week's weekly writing assignments.
I love it! And it just happens to be my most favorite color!!
In Olivia news she is trying her hardest to walk. She pulls up on everything in sight and now will stand up. She stood up the other night in the bath tub will Chad was giving her a bath. It's so funny to watch her facial expressions. Sometimes she gets a little scared when she realizes what she is doing. I think she will be walking before we go to the beach (end of June) if not then I know she will be before she is one.
Before I was a Mom
Before I was a Mom,
Before I was a Mom,
Before I was a Mom,
Before I was a Mom,
Before I was a Mom,
Before I was a Mom,