
Thursdays 13

1. Olivia goes to the doctor tomorrow for her 4 month check up. I am anxious to see how much she has grown.

2. Sunday is our Christmas breakfast at church and I am not sure if we will be able to make it. We are going to Gadsden for my dad's side of the family Christmas.

3. Saturday we are doing Christmas with Annetta's family.

4. I don't know when I am going to really have the time to finish my Christmas shopping.

5. I don't think I really should buy Chad much more only because he has buying a lot here lately...stuff he wanted for Christmas!

6. I can't decide if I should buy Olivia the Jumperoo. We looked at one they had on display at WalMart and thought it would take her forever to even be able to reach the floor. I think she is going to be petite like me.

7. I don't really understand buying babies Christmas gifts. They have no clue what is going on anyway. Kind of seems like a waste of money.

8. I saw a bad wreck this morning on the way to work on 65 South. It was 3 cars. The car in the middle was up under the first car. It was crazy!

9. I think I loose my sanity almost everyday on my way to and from work. I hardly ever have a peaceful drive.

10. Chad had 4 teeth pulled yesterday. 2 from the top and 2 from the bottom. He seems to be fine. He acted like it really wasn't that bad. It made my teeth hurt just talking about it.

11. Tonight is our 2nd bible study on the King's Daughter. It's going really good. I will update later. Anyway...tonight we are going to do a goodie and ornament swap...I still don't have an ornament! I might not be swapping.

12. I am going to take a class in the spring semester. It's only one class, but it's a start on getting back in school. I have to take 4 classes before I can start the nursing program...well really you don't have to have taken one of them, but it's better if you have already taken it.

13. I really hope Chad passed his A&P class. I am going to be a little aggravated if he didn't.


Anonymous said...

We got Quinn little stuff for Christmas last year, like bath toys and... okay, all I can think of that we actually got him is bath toys. But seriously, he had way more fun doing the paper off of the presents and out of bags than we thought he would. He was actually pulling on the paper (trying to eat it, but still... it's the small victories, right?! haha) and he would pat the boxes when he got the paper off of it.

Amanda said...

You will have to post to let us know how much Olivia has grown!

I love the Christmas cards!

Enjoy your Friday!