

A year ago today I took a pregnancy test (4 to be exact) and they were all positive. I was completely shocked, scared and just didn't know what to think. I could not believe that I was PREGNANT!! I was a little nervous about telling Chad. I mean we both talked about me not taking birth control anymore and knew that this was a possibility, but we just didn't know it would happen one month after quiting the medicine! He knew I was late and that I was pregnant. He just didn't say anything. I remember taking the last test at home (the others I took at our Jasper office...no one was there, except Stephanie) and I just sat it on the bathroom counter and told him to go look in the bathroom. He was looking around and thought I had changed something in the room. He finally glanced at the sink and noticed the test. He asked if it was mine! He's so crazy! And then asked if I was pregnant. He was so nervous, shocked and a little scared. He leaned against the end of the bed and said I gotta sit down for a minute. He immediately wanted to tell people, but I wanted to wait...We ended up telling him brothers and mom and later my parents. Moments I will never forget. For some strange reason I even remember what I was wearing!
Flash forward to 12-27-08. We have Olivia, a healthy beautiful 4 month and 2 day old baby girl. She is THE BEST EVER!!! I don't know what we would ever do without her. I am so thankful that God choose to bless us with her. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us with her.


Amanda said...

I can't believe it has been a year! Time flies!

Anonymous said...

haha With Quinn we started calling people immediately, but with Aiden I didn't want to tell anybody until after we went to the doctor... so we ended up compromising and telling family that evening and trickling it out from there. It's crazy to think about how much has happened in the past two years.

Congratulations on your first anniversary! ;)