Last night (Sunday night) I decided to put Olivia in her bed. I wasn't really sure how she would do. She sleeps in a bassinet in our room. She has always been a very good sleeper so I was anxious to see how she would do in her bed. She seemed so tiny in that big bed. So I layed her down around 11:15. She kind of woke up when I layed her down at first so I rocked her for a little while longer and she was fine. The bed is so deep it seems, that I have to step up on my tipy toes to actually put her in the bed. I sat up the monitors and went to bed. She ended up waking up around 3:30ish. I went in there and she was in a totally different position than how I layed her down and she was not even under the cover. I really have no clue how she got to where she was laying. I had put her kind of head first with the corner of the bed. She ended up with her head at the opposite in of the bed. It's hard to explain...anyway...I just got her up and put her in our bed and she was fine. I know this is a big no-no, but I was too tired and honestly didn't feel like taking the time to deal with the situation. Is that bad?? So yesterday (Monday) I came to the conclusion that she probably woke up because 1. She was not under the cover whatsoever and 2. she wasn't on her wedge. In the bassinet she sleeps on an inclined wedge.
So last night I tried it again, but this time with her wedge and she did fine!! I went in there this morning around 6:30 and she was sound asleep. She had her little arms above her head right by her face. I love when she sleeps like that. It's so sweet.
We really do have a good baby. We are so blessed and I am so thankful!!
Yay for Olivia!
Putting her in your bed every now and then is fine, but it isn't a good idea all the time if you're not wanting her in there all the time. Just remember that she'll push every limit you've got, so you and Chad need to decide now how far you're willing to go and what you're willing to do (about sleeping and all sorts of stuff), and you need to be on the same page, and you need to stick to it.
Quinn is 15 and a half months old and usually doesn't sleep through the night. We didn't let him learn how to go to sleep on his own when he was small enough that it would be less traumatic for everybody. I always rocked him to sleep before I put him in his bed when he actually had a bedroom, and when we moved into TheBarn Jonathan would bounce him to sleep, so now we have a big boy who has a hard time settling himself down. BabyToo will definitely have a different experience.
So, there's my random in-your-face parenting "advice" that you may or may not like, or use. haha
I's so hard to follow through at 3:30 in the morning. I think she probably would have went back to sleep if I would've put her back like I had her to begin with and covered her up. But we have a routine every night that she takes a bath and I give her a bottle and she goes to bed. Most of the time she will not even finish the bottle because she is so sleepy.
I don't mind the advice at all!! I also like to see how everybody does things.
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