
Hump Day

I can't believe it is already Wednesday. Is it just me or does time not fly bye. My weeks feel like one day. It's just one thing after another of stuff to do, places to go and people to see. My house has been put on the back burner it's not even funny! I feel so accomplished just making sure the clothes get washed! I have some MAJOR cleaning to do and I HOPE to get it started Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that nothing comes up. I might just have to say no.
Monday is such a blur. Probably because I was so sleepy. I don't think we went to sleep until 2:30 from all the bad weather. We always seem to sleep right through the storms, but not this time. We had both just dozed off around 11:30 ish when all of a sudden a tree feel in our backyard! It landed about 10 feet from our house! Thank you Jesus for protecting us!! Chad was able to get it cleaned up Monday and replace the part of our fence that was torn down. Hopefully this Summer we will be able to replace the whole fence. We need a new one so bad. We tried to see about claiming it on our insurance, but it was going to be more trouble than what it was worth. Besides-I don't think they would have replaced the whole fence. We aren't that lucky!
Do you ever just feel like there is always something that needs to be done? There is always something to be bought/replaced/fixed/cleaned/taken out/updated/redone etc...when you're a homeowner. Sometimes it is so hard for me to see through all the stuff and be thankful for what God has blessed us with.

Last night we had our first softball game. It was fun, but totally messed up my schedule. We didn't get home til after 10. Olivia didn't seem to mind. She seriously is the best baby. She is so layed back and just goes with the flow. I think she gets that from me. In other "Olivia News," she is finally getting a tooth!! You would have thought she had made gold or something. We were so excited!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

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