
My Top 50

I was tagged on Facebook and thought I would post this on my blog. Usually I can never think of what I want to say, but had a lot to say this time. I also made it 50 things instead of 25. So here are my top 50 random facts about yours truly.

1. I got married when I was 20 years old

2. My anniversary is September 16, 2006

3. My birthday is July 1, 1986

4. I have one sister, Sarah, almost 17

5. I am very close to my parents

6. I have a little girl

7. Her name is Olivia Pearl

8. Pearl is my middle name.

9. I was named after my dad's mother who passed away before I was born

10. I never thought I would actually use that name

11. Olivia was born August 25, 2008 at 9:19pm

12. She weighed 7lbs. 12oz

13. Labor was easy. It's the aftermath that is somewhat difficult. :D

14. I want to be a nurse one day

15. I think I would really enjoy Labor and Delivery

16. I am very indecisive

17. I get bored easily

18. I LOVE Zoe's

19. They know my name

20. I drive A LOT!!

21. I talk in my sleep

22. I call Chad Mr (mister) for some weird reason

23. He calls me Misty or buddy

24. Yes, I know very strange.

25. I have been raised in church my whole life.

26. My faith is very important to me.

27. I wish it were more easy for me to share my faith....I am working on it though!

28. I love Yellow Box

29. I have a thing for cars.

30. I like to cook, but don't cook often.

31. I don't care for reading books...at all

32. I wish I did like to read.

33. Sometimes I find it hard to express what I am really thinking or feeling about whatever I am going through or thinking about.

34. I don't care for politics - at all.

35. I had a really bad crush on Chad when I was a freshman and he was a senior. I thought he was the cutest thing ever. We went on a few dates - but I guess it just wasn't our time yet. Our paths finally crossed 4 years later.

36. I would like to take a photography class.

37. I like to get mail.

38. I used to be obsessed with balancing our checkbook. I would balance it every single line. Now...not so much

39. I love pearls.

40. I have never been to a real concert. I have been to christian concerts like at a church or something and have been to X Fest, but never to a concert at the Civic Center.

41. I am really not big on music, but I have an I pod - it might have 10 songs on it.

42. It pretty much annoys me when people talk about God and faith and curse in the same sentence.

43. I can't stand smoking! I wish cigarettes could be banned.

44. I like appliances.

45. I like to wash clothes, but hate to fold them.

46. I like technology.

47. I like Target more than WalMart.

48. Green is my absolute favorite color.

49. I wish I could really sing. I would sing ALL the time.

50. I am usually always late.


Charlene said...

If I can think of 50 random things, I might post this too! You and I have a lot of things in common (and well, we're opposite at a lot of things too!)

Brittany said...

Were so a like on a lot of stuff! I think I'll post me one too! :)