
Five Months & The Weekend

It's hard to believe that Olivia is already 5 months old. It's crazy how fast the time goes. She will be walking and talking our ears off before we know it. Lately, she has been trying to crawl. It's pretty interesting to watch her. She looks like a little inch worm or something. It's so cute.

Here is a picture I took this past week. I got a better one of her today at my parent's house, but it was on their camera. It almost looks like she is trying to do a hand-stand or something.
She just wants to be into everything we are doing. If we have something she just has to have it. She is growing up so fast. It's so bitter sweet.

We LOVE this little girl so much! We don't know what we would do without her!!


This afternoon my dad's side of the family got together for my Kissy Paw-Paw's Birthday. His actual Birthday is the 28th so we celebrated today. He will be 73 years old. He had a rough year this year. He had a heart attack in early August which led to heart bypass surgery. Then in September he lost his last sibling (a sister) to cancer. So we especially wanted to celebrate this Birthday. I guess you could say it was somewhat emotional.


Saturday we went to UA basketball game with our Pastor Adam & his wife Lindsay. It was sort of random, but fun. Our Pastor is a BIG Bama fan and he LOVES Basketball! It was nice to just get away and do something a little different. Olivia stayed with someone other than my mom or my mother-in-law. She stayed with the McGehee's. Susan really wanted to keep her and had asked when we were going to let her babysit. So we asked her if she had plans for Saturday. She was so excited! They had a lot of fun and Olivia was good. I am so glad that she will just go with anybody. I didn't want her to be (I guess you would say titty baby). She is happy with just about anybody that will take her and play with her and talk to her. Olivia is a very pleasant baby. So that really helps. One time, I told my pedi, that she knows how I am. That is why she's like that. He just kind of laughed. :D

Okay...enough for tonight. I am going to bed.

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