
Weekend Review

So this weekend started off kind of boring, I guess you would say. Friday I caught alllllll my laundry up. I even got to the small loads you just kind of put off. The stuff you don't really use all that often. Later in the afternoon we made plans for a girls night. I dropped Olivia off with mom and headed to Birmingham. I made reservations at PF Changs and I am so glad we decided to do that. We got there and the wait was 70-80 minutes, but we only had to wait 5 minutes! After dinner we headed to the movies to see

Bride Wars

We had planned to watch it at the Summit, but it was sold out! :(

We decided to go to Patton Creek and was able to watch a later showing! It was a really good movie. Some of us said that we actually wanted to get married again...of course to the same men, but just do it all over again! It was a long night, but a lot of fun!

Saturday - didn't really do all that much. So more cleaning...FUN and made a trip to WalMart to pick up the Jumperoo for Olivia. Stephanie and Paige came over for a little while later that day we went to Goody's to look for some good buys (since they are closing) and then to mall for Subway. Didn't really buy anything. I wasn't really in the shopping mood. Chad finally got in from hunting all day and we put together the Jumperoo. She really likes it!

Checking it out.

Are you talking to me?

Sunday - We went to church. After church we met my parents and my uncle who's home from Texas at the Summit (again) to eat at Sweet Bones Alabama. It was pretty good, although I can't really taste my food. My sinus are driving my crazy right now! We went it to BabyGap and looked around and just didn't feel like buying any Spring clothes yet. I mean I am not really in the mood to buy a swimsuit and it's 30 degrees outside. It is to early to have that stuff out! We headed back home and back to church. The guys played basketball after church so me, Sabrina (AKA Bri) and Olivia just hung out. It was a nice weekend.
Today was really an uneventful day. It was pretty slow at work, which is sometimes nice. I had to make another WalMart run after work. It seems I am always going in there. I had to buy some wipes and some other small random things. She is a cough right now and her nose is stuffy. It's really aggravating. She doesn't like you to mess with her nose. Of course there is nothing you can do for the cough. Just keep her nose suctioned, use a vaporizer, and pretty much let it run it's course. I just hate hearing her cough though. I have a friend who is a NICU nurse and she said I could give her a little bit of medicine like 2cc (1/2 a tablespoon) of any type of cough suppressant. I did give her a little bit, so maybe it will go away soon. Okay...gotta go, almost bath time!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I want to see that movie!

Slow weekends are nice, it makes it easier to get ready for the next week!

Olivia is so pretty! I can't believe how big she is! As soon as I get home we are going to get together! Love ya!